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© NACSO/WWF Namibia

It is time to reconsider our food.

Did you know?

Globally, the production of food uses most of our natural resources, with 69% of all our water and 34% of our land. It has caused 75% of deforestation, 30% of topsoil erosion and contributes at least 24% of greenhouse gas emissions.

© Gareth Bentley/WWF 2015
Why does it matter?

Subsistence agriculture is practiced across much of northern Namibia, using slash-and-burn to convert woodlands to new fields. This approach contributes to deforestation, loss of wildlife habitat, disruption of wildlife corridors, increased human-wildlife conflict (HWC), and atmospheric carbon levels.  

© NACSO/WWF Namibia
What WWF is doing

WWF is working with our partners to scale up conservation agriculture/ agri-ecological practices within conservancies. These efforts will enhance community resilience to climate change and improve nutrition at the household level. 

WWF is working with rural communities to improve the sustainable management of wildlife, and to increase the supply of protein from domesticated animals so that the demand for wild meat is reduced to sustainable levels.  

We plan to support predator-friendly meat production marketing initiatives as well as Commodity-Based Beef Trade, the latter as a means of overcoming trade restrictions due to foot-and-mouth disease and reducing the requirement of veterinary cordon fences that have caused significant environmental damage within Namibia and KAZA.

WWF is working with our partners to support sustainable fish reserves, which will provide an important source of protein for rural communities.